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Of One Breath | Of One Breath

We Are

Of One Breath

In the words of Buckminster Fuller, “You can’t change the way people think, all you can do is give them a tool, the use of which will change their thinking.” Of One Breath is dedicated to bringing shift-enabling tools forward to expand global consciousness.


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The JOJI-One Dashboard of Consciousness

JOJI-One catalyzes and synchronizes a continuous, world-wide, top-of-the-hour breath of loving intention.


The Healing Conversation

A path of inquiry designed to break down the impediments to healing our individual and collective timelines.

JOJI Community

Experience JOJI (Joy of Joining In). That’s what this breathtaking movement of Love is all about!

The JOJI (Joy of Joining In) Experiment raises Hope by 33%

In 2022 our founder, Edi Osborne conducted The JOJI Experiment. She engaged the hearts and minds of 12 groups of people in a conversation about the human condition. Taking a measure of hope and the beginning and end of the 4 hour workshop, she was surprised (and thrilled) to see a measurable increase in hope. Conclusion: Coming together to acknowledge both the challenges and opportunities of  to create a shift of consciousness made people more hopeful.

In short, the very act of exploring consciousness in a group setting raised people’s hope.

That was just the beginning . . .

The JOJI Experiment advances to a world-wide experience!
Introducing the JOJI-One Dashboard of Consciousness

It’s JOJI Time!

JOJI is the antidote to FOMO; the fear of missing out. In a world rife with fear and scarcity it takes an act of Hope to shift the narrative to love and abundance.

What we learned in The JOJI Experiment set the stage for something much bigger. This time around we are making Hope actionable. The JOJI-One Dashboard of Consciousness invites participants to record a 10 second video of a breath of loving intention. That video then gets pushed out to millions of other humans who are also sending their loving breath of intention out into the world. In short we are creating a Butterfly Effect by amplifying One singular breath into One message of Hope for humanity.

Combining our founder’s background in the development of dashboards (feedback mechanisms) with the power of a conscious breath to immediately shift one’s consciousness, JOJI-One brings together millions of loving humans into a synchronized communal breath of loving intention.

We invite you to join our Breath-Giving Movement of Love!